Bassett Avocado Heights Community Air Quality Report
Diesel Indicator

Diesel Pollution Indicator: Action

The state of California is a champion of the federal Clean Air Act, having enacted some of the strictest diesel emissions standards in the world. South Coast AQMD closely followed this model by adopting the first-of-its-kind Indirect Source Rule to address pollution caused primarily by diesel trucks servicing distribution warehouses and other locations. However, more can and should be done to immediately reduce diesel people’s exposure at the local level. The use of High and Medium DPI can help identify streets with the most heavy-duty diesel truck traffic, so that local community and non-profit leaders can continue to work with city and county officials to design or redesign truck-appropriate routes and clean air solutions. Studies have found that truck and idling bans on specific heavily-traveled roads in a community are successful in reducing exposure to higher levels of diesel pollution, especially for children or other vulnerable populations that may live or spend time along key distribution corridors.

In addition to mobile sources of pollution, the High and Medium DPI can also help identify which specific stationary and off-road sources, such as warehouses, factories, and railyards, may have the highest air quality impact on nearby residents. The communities can also use this Diesel Pollution Indicator to work with local school districts and other officials to prioritize schools, childcare centers, libraries, and community centers near truck routes, railyards, and other industrial sources that may benefit most from the installation of air filtration systems.

While individuals should take steps to reduce their exposure to diesel particulate matter whenever possible, it is the federal, state, and local regulators’ duty to enact policies that protect the public’s health from significant off-road, on-road, and stationary diesel pollution sources. Installing air filtration devices in all buildings is recommended, particularly those along heavy truck routes and near railyards. This is a near-term option to reduce harmful impacts today; however, a systematic solution to eliminating diesel truck pollution would be to support the adoption of high-voltage electric vehicle charging and cargo movement infrastructure, whose locations can be prioritized using the DPI in collaboration with regulators, local utilities, and industry leaders. Permits for new distribution centers or expanded operations/output should also take into account potential increases in diesel emissions. Siting of these facilities should be done in a way that will not lead to increased truck traffic near the sensitive sites shown in this Community Air Quality Report.

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