Particulate Matter Indicator: Residential Areas of concern
By focusing on residential roads and arterials, the High and Medium PMI can be used to prioritize areas in the community that would most benefit from interventions and policy enforcements.
This map illustrates areas of elevated levels of particulate matter pollution in residential areas where people live and breathe and are suspected to be impacted by particulate matter.
High PMI identified on these residential roads may be caused by cars and trucks within local areas as well as industry, commercial activities, and wind blown dust. Particulate matter emitted by many sources can also be transported by prevailing winds into and between residential areas. Over the monitoring period, the average winds were gentle and blowing from the southwest, varying by time of day. High and Medium PMI in the residential areas were observed in northern BAAEC, primarily north of Amar Road. High and Medium PMI were also observed on the freeways (I-605 and SR-60) and along major roads through Bassett and along Valley View Boulevard.
See an air quality report for any address within Bassett Avocado Heights Advanced Energy Community.