Traffic Pollution Indicator: Action
Municipal agencies can utilize the TPI to reduce vehicle traffic near locations where populations that are highly sensitive to air pollution live and work, such as schools and parks.
The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) and Bassett Unified School District, Whittier City School District, and Whittier Union High School District should increase the number of electric buses and phase-out the use of diesel and CNG. As a number of the BAAEC Implementation Team like Green Commuter and Greenlots are keenly aware, improving public transportation service on corridors with High TPI could reduce single-occupancy vehicle trips. The vanpooling program being implemented through BAAEC could be optimized for local air quality impacts using the TPI, including the the placement of vanpool stops, charging infrastructure, and routing vehicles. Public electric vehicle charging infrastructure should be distributed based on need and ambient conditions for those who are unable to use public transit.
Also well-known to the BAAEC Implementation Team are strategies to reduce car dependency by supporting active transportation choices. Groups like ActiveSGV can work with municipalities and alternative transportation coalitions to provide training and to construct safe cycling lanes and bike share infrastructure along streets with lower pollution levels and adjacent to those where internal combustion vehicles seem to travel most frequently.
In addition, traffic signals can be optimized to reduce idling at stop lights. Idling bans should be enforced for all vehicles (trucks, buses, cars, etc.) outside of schools, childcare centers, parks, healthcare facilities, and other sensitive receptor locations.
Green corridors and physical barriers can be effective in containing or mitigating pollutants along major roadways. The Traffic Pollution Indicator can help identify sections of roads and highways that could benefit most from these infrastructure improvements, which can be very costly. Local leaders would need to work with CalTrans, LA County, and the MTA to determine under whose jurisdiction each road section falls, and what type of barriers or green infrastructure would be most appropriate if other critical infrastructure are present in the vicinity (for example, gas lines under the surface of streets).
See an air quality report for any address within Bassett Avocado Heights Advanced Energy Community.
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