East Los Angeles, Boyle Heights, West Commerce Community Air Quality Report
Traffic Indicator

Traffic Pollution Indicator: Exposure Reduction

Here we investigate TPI within a 1,000 foot radius of sensitive receptors where people live, work, and play, such as schools, childcare centers, community centers, libraries, parks, and public housing. Percent segments refers to the number of High plus Medium TPI segments divided by the total number of segments in the 1,000 foot radius. This map only shows High and Medium TPI road segments that are within the circles rather than all segments with High and Medium TPI throughout the map.

This map shows these sensitive receptors in relation to the TPI.  It may be unsurprising that many of these sensitive receptors also show up in high traffic areas.

As seen in the map, several public housing locations are adjacent or in close proximity to busy freeways, while also being located in residential areas. Multi-family units like Ramona Gardens, Pico Gardens, LA Family Housing, and Found Inc. all fall into this category. The High and Medium TPI values found near these buildings are primarily located adjacent to freeways, though as noted, traffic emissions can easily be carried downwind from these emissions sources to residential communities.

Understanding the relationship between both the Diesel Pollution Indicator and Traffic Pollution Indicator provides a thorough set of criteria that can help prioritize areas in the community for emission reductions and continued monitoring.

Exposure Reduction
Exposure Reduction
Sensitive Receptors% of segments
Soto Street Elementary83.75
Planned Parenthood/bixby Center82.98
Sierra Home Healthcare Services, Inc.81.03
Morris K. Hamasaki Elementary80.77
Los Angeles Christian Health Centers - Exodus Recovery - Icm79.49

Air Quality Lookup by Address

See an air quality report for any address within East Los Angeles, Boyle Heights, & West Commerce.

Suggested Addresses

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